Arf, j'vais voir ça plus tard pour les images, mais merci du signal!
Une démo technique est sortie il y a quelques semaines : Le premier post a également été mis à jour (en anglais).
Hi! To be honest,
I didn't work at all on the project for one week (holiday & others), so I'm posting a news only now. I'll hard work this week in order to catch up my delay.
-New design for!
- Spoiler:
-Undo / Redo system! The system was not really efficient so I worked to remaster it. Now the system is really working well, and there will not be any problem when I will be adding new elements (montains, events, water,...)
-Adding 3D blocks! The implementation is a bit dirty now but I'll improve it this week. You can select the mountain texture in the database (relief section), this system is working like autotiles. The map editor tool bar now have a relief section:
Working like in RPG Paper Maker Ruby for the height of a block. You can also set the angle of you mountain (here 90° for a vertical mountain block). For now, only the 90° is implemented.
(note that the shadows are added manually, I will had automatic shaders later)
Well, see you next week (2th August)!